'when the raindrops never cease'
It's raining again. Yes, again. It's been raining since the semester break started. It's been exactly a week since i left KL. It was raining at the Subang Airport raining when i reached AS. And at this very moment, it's still raining. I can't help but to wonder, with the rain persisting every single day, that not a day had gone by sunny and bright, whether this is all a part of the norm ; whether it's just a part of the monsoon season every year, or it's..because..maybe...oh never mind. We all have our own interpretations. Since apologizing every single time i update the blog (if you'd noticed) wouldn't be such a good idea, i guess i'll just skip that part alright?
So, I've been doing okay. Well, to be honest, i've been better actually. But yeah, life goes on. Now let's go all the way back to the last time i updated my blog. And no, i'm not gonna drag all of it into this post but i'll just sum things up. Firstly, there was the KO-PLN night. Well, i know it's been some time ago, but yeah it's worth mentioning. It was a night when all the scholars in the college who were involved in this (Kurikulum Pelajar Luar-Negara) programme represented their groups in performances and all, just a night of celebrating the end of the programme. For some, it Ko-PLN activities are in the first semester. For the others, it only starts during the second semester. As for mine, it's been an experience worth gaining if you ask me. One thing's for sure, it taught me to never mess with time. Well, how did i even mess with time to start with? It's a long one, so yeah. Well, I was in one of the groups who performed on that night, and yeapm we definitely had fun :) Credits to everyone who performed that night, it was a job well done, not forgetting the spectators who played their part in bringing the house down as well ;) The video's below, so watch if you have the time aight? though it's really noisy, at least there's something =P
After that, there was the end of semester exams (way way after the performances.). Well, my weeks preparing for the exams were very, very 'librarish' if you'd ask me. I mean, i was literally in the library from morning to evening, and most of the time till night. Don't ask me if i studied the whole day, because honestly, i don't know. But one thing's for sure, i actually enjoyed myself in the library. It was kinda like solace in a way. So, no i'm not sick of the library. And again, no, i don't love the library. It's just fine in a very good way. So everyone buckled up and revised, revised, revised and revised and yada yada for the exams. About the exams, there were a little shaky for me to be honest, firstly because my time management during the papers were totally below par. But it's all done and dust now, so yeah, no point regretting or anything. But if there's one thing that i wanna change next semester, it's the hours that i spend studying. Hell, i hope i don't turn into a nerd next semester! heh..
Spent a few days in KL before coming back home as, well it was gonna be a long break anyways. One week into the break, i've actually pretty much done nothing for the past week. I mean, yeah i read novels, the papers (which i DON'T really get to in college =.=) , watched the Gunners, played basketball and all, but still, nothing worth mentioning actually. Oh well, at least i'm sleeping well xD that, i can't complain =P haha..Oh yeah, i'll be heading back to KL at the end of the month. Going to Hong Kong, Macau and then to China for a vacation :) Looking forward to it, though i've only just been to Hong Kong last year xD
Now, more to reflections. Er..how do i put this?..well, as usual, i've done quite a lot of thinking these few days. I mean, not that i don't think much during the normal days, but the holidays really gave me more time to be a lil' more analytical on how i see things. It gives me the chance to actually look into things that i don't even have time for in college. Heck, being analytical and observant is a good thing, but being too analytical, could really bring down the day for you if you don't know where to stop. A living proof - me. Okay, i thought a lot about everlasting beauty. or in other words, eternal bliss/ eternal beauty. Beauty as in the uniqueness in personality, physical or spiritual beauty, and anything that gives one an impression so special that he or she remembers it. Is there such a thing as eternal or everlasting/immortal beauty? Cause as far as i'm concerned, nothing last forever. Yeah, memories could last forever. But living on and on in different minds and hearts could only be considered 'partly immortal' right? Let's put this metaphor in the case of a sunset. It comes. and it goes. And i thought 'so every beauty has a beginning and an inevitable ending. Nothing last forever. We come. We go. End of story.'
But a good friend of mine told me 'Well, it's like the four seasons. There's always an underlying beauty in a fading beauty'
To be honest, yes, it struck me. It sorta put me through another strain of thoughts. Now, what do you guys think? eternal beauty? Yes? No? Well, till now, i can't be sure. But i know, there has to be a partial yes and no in it. That beauty stays alive in some things and in some things, they just fade away and are covered up in the sands of time.
And before i forget, i get a lot of people coming up to me telling me things like, ' What the hell are you talking about in your blog? I don't get you. I've read your post a few times but still, I don't get a thing.' . How do i respond? Well, i'll just smile and be satisfied. and why be satisfied you may wonder? Let's just say, if everything in life was at all straight-forward, then what's the point in living it at all? =) At least i know there's someone out there who thinks the way i do, and for that, once again, thank you er..miss V :) Will be updating more soon people. stay tuned ;)
enjoy :)
p.s - to those sitting for their end of sem tests soon [you know who you are =)], good luck! and happy hols everyone! cheers :)